1. Paper invoices

Online invoice address (OVT code): 003729433248
Operator: Maventa
Operator ID: 003721291126

Note! The operator ID if the sender uses a bank as operator is: DABAFIHH.

2. PDF invoices by email

Invoices should be sent as e-mail attachments in PDF format (max. 10MB/file) to the address:

One PDF file may only contain the information of one invoice. If the invoice contains attached pages, these
must be in the same file as the actual invoice. Several invoices can be sent in one e-mail message, but each
file must have a different name.

3. Paper invoices

The invoice and envelope must have the following address information:

Agarda Oy
PL 100
80020 Collector Scan

We hope to receive the invoices as online invoices or PDF invoices. However, if you send paper invoices,
please note that you may NOT send material other than purchase invoices and their attachments to the
above address. Other material is not forwarded to us via the scanning service.